viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

First term evaluation.

The first term of Audio Visual Culture in one part was very good.
On the one hand, I liked the projects that we have done but on the other hand I didn´t liked the innovation challenge. It was a good project but I think that it was very long.

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019


I passed a good day when we went to the Trueba cinema to see Begiradak .
My favourite film was the last one. I think that it was the most worked. We could see that  the cameras were with a good quality and the actors knew what  to do.
It was about a girl that suffered bullyng and one of the classmates protect her.

Resultado de imagen de ttrueba cinema

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

Film analysis. City Lights.

City Lights:

The pitch:
-The protagonist is a vagabond.
- He fall in love with a blind girl.
- After some things he did he went to prision and after prision he meet wit the blind.

The Story Pattern

-YOU: Charlot is a vagabond.
-NEED: He fall in love with a girl.
-GO: he help a millonaire to not commit a suicide.
-SEARCH: they begin friends.
-FIND: the girl was blind and they start having a relation.
-RETURN: Charlot goes to prision because he robbed 1000 dollars that it is not true.
-CHANGE: the girl can see.

This film was created in 1931 and it was directed and performed by Charles Chaplin.
It is a comedy film that it was filmed in the USA. The film lasts 81 minutes.
 The main characters are Charles Chaplin, the florist girl and the millionaire.
The plot of the film was that Charles Chaplin was a vagabond and he fall in love with a blind
He made a millionaire friend that was always drunk.
Charles Chaplin asked the millionaire to give him 1000 dollars. The  money was for the florist.
He gave the money but then the millonaire fell down and he didn't remember that he had given
money to Charles Chaplin.
This was the reason why police took Charles Chaplin to prison.
After leave from the prison he met the florist . The florist that was blind now can see.
My favorite character is Charles Chaplin because it is very funny. The best thing of the film
was that it was entertaining but I don't like that in all the film they have not speak.

I like  the actors work in the film. The photography in the film comparing with nowadays film it
is bad. Moreover, knowing that is done in 1931 is good. The story sometimes was slow and
  they didn't speak so this do it sometimes boring . I think that the soundtrack was very useful
in this film because they don't speak.
CityLights marked the first time Chaplin composed the film score to one of his productions.
This film haven't got any editing, that is normal for that years. 
In that years doing one scene was very difficult. For example doing the first scene took two
weeks. This film for Charles Chaplin was the most difficult film filmed. One of the reason was
his perfectionism and the other reason was that the blind wasn´t actrie.

This film is very important in the cinema history. This film is in the top 11 of the best films in the
world. Charles Chaplin was very famous because he did a lot of silent films.
One characteristic that Charles Chaplin has was that the direction, the production and the
actor was him.


I learn about this film that you don't have to speak to transmit something.
I like this film and I recommend to see it.

Musical Genre Presentation.