viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Photography exercise.

1-From a dog point of view.
2-From a bird point of view.
3-Find your name initials.
4-Play with toys.
5-Abstract details.

6-Be egoistic.
7-Freeze the moment.
8-Tell a joke.

9-Create a story.
10-Absebt-minded friends.
11-Play with food.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

The advertisment.

In this commercial advert we can see the famous mark of perfume Dolce & Gabbana. In this advert we can see that the women is used like an object because the men is doing whatever he wants with her.
In this picture, we can see two people with different gendres but there is not one gendre more important than the other one.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020


This is the story about an immigrant and her difficulties to to leave from her country and come here. People already looked her very bad...
I had done with Mikel Otaduy.

Musical Genre Presentation.