miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

European Day of Languages Activity Mikel Aldave and Ioritz answers.

  • Bulgarian: Обединен в многообразието. Finnish
  • Croatian: Ujedinjeni u različitosti . Slovenian
  • Czech: Jednotná v rozmanitosti. Hungarian
  • Danish: Forenet i mangfoldighed. Estonian
  •  .
  • Dutch: In verscheidenheid verenigd. English
  •  .
  • English: United in diversity.Czech
  • Estonian: Ühinenud mitmekesisuses. Danish
  • Finnish: Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen. Bulgarian
  • French: Unie dans la diversité. Lativian
  • German: In Vielfalt geeint. Greek
  • Greek: Ενωμένοι στην πολυμορφία. Swedish
  • Hungarian: Egység a sokféleségben. Portuguese
  • Irish: Aontaithe san éagsúlacht. Italian
  • Italian: Unita nella diversità. Romanian
  • Latvian: Vienota dažādībā. French
  • Lithuanian: Suvienijusi įvairovę. Maltese
  • Maltese: Magħquda fid-diversità. Lithuanian
  • Polish: Zjednoczona w różnorodności. Slovak
  • Portuguese: Unida na diversidade. Spanish
  • Romanian: Uniţi în diversitate. Irish
  • Slovak: Zjednotení v rozmanitosti. Poish
  • Slovene: Združena v raznolikosti. Croatian
  • Spanish: Unida en la diversidad. Dutch
  • Swedish: Förenade i mångfalden. German

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

Language questions.

1- How many languages are in the world?

2-Which is the official language of Slovenia?
a) Uradni
b) Hungarian
c) Italian
d) Slovenian

3- How many languages are in Europe?

a) 42
b) 37
c) 58
d) 24

4.- How do you say chair in german?

a) Shër
b) shwager

c) Stuhl
d) Kartoffel

5- How do oyu say mouth in norvegian?

a) munn
b) melele
c) tobi
d) kalakala

6) What country is this flag from?

Resultado de imagen de bandera de azerbaiyán

 a) turkey
 b) azerbayan
c) galician
d) georgian

7- Which country do the Feroe islands belong ?

a) Finland
b) denmark
c) Scotland
d) Norway

8- Which language is the oldest of Europe?

a) Basque
b) georgian
c) Lithuanian

9- Which country is it?

a) Armenia
b) Georgia
c) Russia
d) Azerbaijan

Resultado de imagen de azerbaiyán en el mapa de europa

10- Which country is it?

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019

Audio Visual importance.

      Hi my name is Mikel Aldave and i am going to write about which importance 
have audio visual for me and for the society. 

 My hobby is playing football and i play in Luberri´s team. I train twice a week and on weekends i play a match. Audio Visual is imortant in my live thank to a friend. He photograph and makes videos when i am playing. Then, after the match he send me the photos and videos and i make one video with all. This is the reason why is important the audio visual for me.

In the other hand i think also is very important the audio visual in the society. A lot of people upload videos to youtube and their work is youtuber. They entertain million of people.


Musical Genre Presentation.