martes, 28 de enero de 2020

Photographic genders.

1)Land scape Photography: it is a landscape.

2)Sports photography: this photo is very important because it was a very important match. We can see that I am the important person in the pic and then there is a person in the background not focused.
3)Street photography:this picture is taken in Vaticano and we can see people anonym in the picutere.

 5)Portraiture:the smile of my brother give us the positivism.
 6)Floral photography: this photo is a floral pic because we can see a flower which color is very beautiful. 

 8)Food photography: we can see two omelettes.

9)Wild life photography: we can see in this picture me and my brother in a camel.

10)Candid photographs: nobody is posing for the photo.

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Musical Genre Presentation.