miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

My favorite film. Life Is Bautiful.

The pitch:
-A happy family in the WWII.
-The nazis took the family to the concentration camp.
- The life in the concentration camp.

-YOU: a happy couple.
-NEED: the couple have one kid.
-GO: Nazis take them to a concentration camp.
-SEARCH: girls and boys are separate.
-FIND: the father invented a play for his child.
-TAKE: Nazis kill the father.
-RETURN: USA soldiers come and the kid an the mother be solve.
-CHANGE: they live happy but without the father.

Life Is Beautiful:
Life is beautiful  is a 1997 Italian comedy-drama film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni. The relase date is in december of 1997. The film is produce by an italian director and also the film is in Italy. The film lasts 116 minutes.
This film is in the WWII, and it tells a story about a Jewish family. One day, some nazis came to their house and they took them to one concentration camp. The life there was very hard and also more for a child. The kid didn´t know where they were. He thought that it was a play and if they won the play he will win a tank. The nazis execute the father. Nazis lost their power and USA soldiers invade the concentration camp.
The kid and the mother lived happy their live.
In my opinion, is one ofthe best films that I have ever seen. It has got one part of drama but also comedy. I recommend to people more than 12 years to see this film.

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