lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019

Language questions.

Answer next questions (explain your answers).

1. In how many different languages can you greet someone?
    In four languages.

2. In how many different languages can you count from 1 to 10 ?

    In four languages.
3. Can you write your name in different alphabets (such as Greek or Cyrillic)
4. Identify 5 words in your language that are the same in other languages:
    Actor, admirable, animal,alcohol and altar.
5. Identify 3 words in your language that mean different things in other languages (false friends!).
   Actualy, apology and argument.

6. Have you ever read a comic book in a foreign language? And a book?

7. Who is the person you know who speaks more languages and discovered why he/she speaks so many. 
     Alaia is the person who speaks the most languages. She speaks german because her father is geman and then vasque, english, spanish and french.


8. Have you ever memorized a song in another language?

 Yes, for example Shape of you of Ed Sheran.

9. Have you ever switched the language of your phone or tablet to a foreign language?

10. Do you listen to a radio station in a foreign language?

11. Do you change to original version when watching documentaries, sports or films on tv?
 Yes, when I am whatching series and the original version is english I changed to english.

12. Do you know any joke in a foreign language?

13. When on holiday in another country, have you ever used the language of the country to greet people, order food or perform other everyday tasks?
 Yes, when we went to London I asked for local people the best restaurants near the area.

14. What do you dare to do in a foreign language?
 To meet new people.

How many questions did you answer positevely?9.
How many are you going to be doing in the next future? 5.


1 comentario:

  1. A patient came to the hospital with a burned right hand. As the doctor took down his medical history, he asked the injured man, “Do you smoke?”
    “Yeah, a pack and a half a day,” said the patient.
    Concerned, the doctor told him, “You should consider quitting.”
    “No, it’s OK,” said the patient. “I smoke with my left hand.”


Musical Genre Presentation.